Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ralph Leroy unplugged

A multitasker, Ralph Leroy has positioned himself to be the prophet of modern time। From model to stylist, to actor, to designer, he does not cease to impress us by his inexhaustible and fertile talent।

Ralph changes cities while exploring new horizons. This cosmopolitan man seems to have a weakness for the big cities of the world. Indeed, after Miami, Boston and New York, he now lives in Montreal. And, like he so often says it, this city lives in him. Highly skilled professional, he follows his path of designer and he's very close to his public. Ralph's vision rhymes with excellence. That's why he assumes the responsability, the mission to let his ts public in his most insane and intimate imaginations. That's what leads him to go above and beyond the limits of the creative imagination in order to appease the thirst of a public in search of single and rare pieces. All those who know him will acclaim of his creative and remarkable ingeniousness. Ralph is an icon who can be simple and extravagant at the same time. And this contrast is also translated in the last collection of his exclusive men's line named simply “Ralph Leroy” and in his fall collection of jewelry, “Kofi Collection”.

“Ralph Leroy”, a high-fashion line, is very unique. During Montreal Fashion Week, last March, the clothing line, left its indelible prints in the memory of the public. Achieved expert, Ralph combines the rigour of his cut and his vision of urban with a hint of modern of fahion in a happy set of colors where the turquoise and the red, the yellow and the chestnut marry in a festive ambiance. The exerted eyes have witness art in its purest form.

Kofi Collection reflects a world in perpetual change. Primarily composed of a panoply of jewels and high end accessories together with fine and invaluable stones, Kofi Collection joins smoothness and elegance while putting nature at the service of the beauty. One has the impression that it insufflates life in its works to please the most severe and difficult tastes.

Ralph holds world peace in high esteem. He already supports several social organizations such as UNICEF, the Rotary drill Club, the PLAN to quote only these. He is also entirely devoted to several great causes of which research on the AIDS, the eradication of cancer, the elimination of illiteracy, the financial assistance to the disavantangeous ones, etc. Today, he is thrilled to support the Club Lions Montreal Communautaide, a non-profit organization which helps the needy ones throughout the world.

We wish Ralph a successful and prestigious career!

Claudichard Personna

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

À la découverte de Ralph Leroy


Claudichard Personna

4 Août 2009

À la découverte de Ralph Leroy (par : Claudichard Personna)

Designer polyvalent, Ralph Leroy se fait le prophète du temps moderne. De mannequin à styliste, d’acteur à designer, il ne cesse de nous impressionner par son talent intarissable et fertile.

Ralph change de villes tout en explorant de nouveaux horizons. Cet homme cosmopolite semble avoir un faible pour les villes-monde. En effet, après Miami, Boston et New York, il vit maintenant à Montréal. Et, comme il le dit si souvent, Montréal l’habite. Professionnel émérite, il y exerce la profession de designer et il est très proche de son public.

La vision de Ralph rime avec l’excellence. Tous ceux qui le connaissent vous diront qu’il fait montre d'ingéniosité créative et remarquable. Aussi, s’est-il donné la mission d’accompagner son public dans ses fantaisies les plus folles. Cette vocation l’oblige à aller au-delà des limites de l’imagination créatrice en vue d’assouvir le fantasme d’un public en quête de pièces uniques et rares.

Ralph est une icône qui peut être à la fois simple et extravagante, dépendamment du contexte. Et ce contraste se traduit aussi dans la dernière collection de sa ligne de vêtements exclusifs pour homme, « Ralph Leroy », et dans sa collection automnale de bijoux, « Kofi Collection ».

La ligne de prêt-à-porter « Ralph Leroy » est unique en son genre. Lors de son passage à la semaine de la Mode, en mars dernier, elle s’est démarquée en laissant ses empreintes indélébiles dans la mémoire de l’assistance. Homme de l’art accompli, Ralph combine la rigueur de la coupe et sa vision moderne de la mode dans un heureux assortiment de couleurs où le rouge et la turquoise, le jaune et le marron se marient dans une ambiance festive. Les yeux exercés y verront de l’art sous sa forme la plus pure.

Kofi Collection est le reflet d’un monde en perpétuel changement. Composée essentiellement d’une panoplie de joyaux et d’accessoires hautes gammes assortis de pierres fines et précieuses, Kofi Collection rallie la finesse et l’élégance en mettant la nature au service de la beauté. On a l’impression qu’il insuffle la vie à ses œuvres afin d’aller à la recherche des goûts les plus sévères, les plus difficiles à satisfaire.

Ralph tient à cœur la paix dans le monde. Il a déjà soutenu plusieurs organismes d’œuvres sociales, en l’occurrence l’« UNICEF », le « Rotary Club », le « PLAN » pour ne citer que ceux-là. Il est aussi entièrement dévoué à plusieurs grandes causes dont la recherche sur le sida, l’éradication du cancer, l’alphabétisation, l’assistance aux démunis, etc. Aujourd’hui, il est enchanté de soutenir le Club Lions Montréal Communautaide, une organisation à but non lucratif qui aide les nécessiteux à travers le monde.

Nous souhaitons à Ralph une carrière sage et réussie.

Claudichard Personna

Monday, August 3, 2009

Kofi Collection is coming to New York

by Marylin Laurent

New York, the capital of fashion will be the witness of Kofi Collection premiere this Fall. The anticipation is boiling on slow burner. Excitement is increasing little by little. At last! Kofi Collection, created by Ralph Leroy, acclaimed fashion and jewelry designer, has been renowned internationally and in particular, in Montreal, Canada, its home.

For quite some time New Yorkers have been following the brilliant uprise of this astounding company. And today, finally, the Big Apple is the next destination of Kofi Collection.

This exceptional event will bring to the eyes of jewelry lovers, exclusive creations made of sumptuous rare stones and corals, in other words, a lavish melting pot of trinkets bursting out of Leroy’s workshop for the Fall 2009 season.

Ralph Leroy is the winner of international prizes in the fashion world. He started as a model and today, he is the creator of Ralph Leroy, the clothing line for men. He has been featured in various shows in Montreal. His lively personality and tremendous marketing talent have earned him recognition from important organization. Humanitarian, he has dedicated himself to serve various causes including the research for a cure for Cancer and aid to the poor.

On the occasion of Fashion Week in New York City, we are looking forward to indulge our fancy taste in the Kofi Collection expo/sale. We are expecting hundreds of guests at that event and are looking forward to an evening to remember! This affair will be the first of many.

In my name, and the name of the New Yorkers versed in the fashion and jewelry industry, I am extending the warmest welcome to Kofi Collection in New York City।